Why Metal Guitars Are So Annoying To Mix (How To Fix!)

Have you ever noticed that dealing with guitars in a mix can be particularly frustrating, especially metal guitars?

You’d think that with all of these amazing new amp sims dropping every 5 seconds that this would be a non-issue at this point, but that definitely does not seem to be the case in the real world.

Have you ever had the experience of dialing your guitar tone to perfection, only to be let down when you hear it within the context of the rest of mix??

In this video, I share exactly why guitars are so annoying to mix and how to fix this issue with a single mixing technique that all pro mixers use.

Good news:

You won’t need a single plugin to pull this off.

Don’t make the same mistakes most home studios make with working with their midi drum and amp sim plugins..

Download my FREE Midi Drum & Amp Sime Production Checklist and set your home studio productions up for success.

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes

Price: $17 Free Today
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​​Copyright © 2020-2024 Frightbox Recording Academy

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes
Price: $17 Free Today

You will also be subscribed to my weekly newsletter with my latest metal mixing tips.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

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