I was the king of buying recording studio gear for the wrong reasons, but these are definitely the top 5 dumbest.
It’s so tempting to shift the blame on our tools when we’re not achieving the results we want within our studios.
Do our guitars really sound like crap because we don’t have a high end preamp?
Is the fact that our snare drums sound nothing like what’s heard on pro records really due to not having the right plugins?
Do our vocal tracks really sound like crap because of our cheap preamps?
More often than not, it’s not the fault of our studio gear…but of our lack of knowledge and experience.
I was a late bloomer and learned this lesson the hard way…many times.
I bought new recording studio gear many times when I really should’ve saved my money and worked on my skills as a producer.
In this video, I share the top 5 Times I Bought Studio Gear For DUMB Reasons.
If you’ve been guilty of this yourself, don’t feel bad.
Almost all of us fall into the gear trap especially when there’s so much band info on the internet.
Always investigate and look into how some of your favorite records were produced.
You’d be amazed at how many modern records were make using gear not much better than what you currently have.
You can download my FREE 5 Step Guide To Better Heavy Mixes by clicking HERE.