It ain’t rocket science, you can add instant drum glue to your mix using a single plugin.
There are a million ways that you can glue your drums together..
Things like:
Ambient room mics
Tasteful use of reverb
Simple drum bus compression..
These all help add to the perceived glue of your drum mix.
I’ve found that I sometimes require that extra bit of glue and cohesiveness even after I’ve emptied my usual bag of production tricks for getting my drums to sound like a unified instrument.
The good news is that it doesn’t take a whole lot to achieve the results I’m usually looking for.
It only requires a single plugin.
As you know, I hate overly complex processing and prefer to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible.
The less plugins I use, the better.
If you’re anything like me, you probably want to dial in real results fast..
Without having to mess around with complicated plugin chains or routing.
In my latest tutorial, I show you how I apply instant drum glue with ONE plugin. No fancy trickery…just a single plugin on my stereo drum bus (utilizing one key ingredient) tweaked the way I like it.
Be sure to download my 5 Step Guide To Better Heavy Mixes to achieve better mixes with the gear you currently have.