3 Pieces Of Home Studio Gear That You Need (And 3 You Don’t)

We can never have enough home studio gear.

Actually, that’s not true…most of us have everything we need when it comes to making pro records within our home studios. 

Despite what many claim, you really don’t need a whole lot. 

With that being said, there are 3 pieces of gear that I believe you must have in order to achieve the results you desire..  

If you’re looking to record, mix and master metal or rock music in your home studio…

These are the 3 pieces of gear that you can’t skip out on. 

On the flip side of the coin, there’s an endless list of gear that you absolutely DO NOT need in your home studio.

Inexperienced people (or people stuck in the past) will tell you that you need all kinds of crap in your home studio to achieve the results you desire.  

Most of the time, they’re dead wrong. 

In this video, I also share with you the top 3 pieces of gear that people often think you need to achieve great results, but in reality, you don’t need at all

Also, I wan’t you to achieve better results with the gear you have right now.

Because of this, I’ve put together a 5 Step Guide To Better Heavy Mixes. Click the link and download the free guide to set you on proper path to pro heavy mixes.

free guide

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes
Price: $17 Free Today

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes

Price: $17 Free Today
Free Guide

​​Copyright © 2020-2024 Frightbox Recording Academy

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes
Price: $17 Free Today

You will also be subscribed to my weekly newsletter with my latest metal mixing tips.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

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