Although I love using EZdrummer and EZbass in the mixing phase, one of my favorite uses for midi is to take advantage of it in the pre-production phase.
The phase in which songs are created from the ground up and prepared well before a single microphone or recording session is even booked.
It doesn’t matter if the final product will feature all live instruments or mostly programmed midi instruments…
Being able to sit behind my laptop (with coffee in hand) and clearly hear the details within the song I’m currently producing is something I can no longer live without.
The most liberating part of this process is that it can be done in a low-stress manner, virtually anywhere, and without having to deal with a noisy rehearsal room where it’s hard to focus on details.
In this video, I demonstrate how I’m using simple tools like EZdrummer and EZbass to iron out and craft songs with a new band that I’m currently producing.
Hopefully, this will give you ideas on how you can streamline your production workflow so you that can finally release those songs you’ve been working on.
Also, don’t make the same mistakes most home studios make with working with their midi drum and amp sim plugins..
Download my FREE Midi Drum & Amp Sime Production Checklist and set your home studio productions up for success.