3 Tips For Fixing The Low-End In Your Metal Mix

One of the hardest things to get right in a heavy rock or metal mix is LOW-END.

Low-end can sound awesome, thick and full in your studio, but the second you bring your mix out to your car..

It can all of a sudden sound super muddy and boomy

So annoying! 

This used to drive me insane.  

You’d think that the most logical thing to do would be to cut a bunch of low end on your master fader, but that just makes your mix sound super thin and weak.

Boosting a bunch of top-end doesn’t help either…straight razor blades! 

These solutions never gave me the result I was looking for.

How the hell do professional mixers get their mixes sounding so powerful and full in the low-end while retaining such clarity?

It wasn’t until I learned how to manage my low-end from an actual pro that it all started to come together.

There are 3 very specific things you can do to really level up your low-end game on your future mixes. 

Watch this video to learn my top 3 mixing techniques for super controlled low end in a pro heavy mix. 

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes

Price: $17 Free Today
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5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes
Price: $17 Free Today

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