You NEED to be recording guitar DI tracks if you’re not already doing so.
Sometimes fancy EQ and compression techniques aren’t the answer for a better sounding production.
Sometimes It’s something as simple as taking the time to record a DI track along with your guitar tracks.
If you’re spending any amount of time and effort recording your guitars..
And you’re serious about your productions..
You 100% should ALWAYS take the time to record a DI track.
Believe me.
I’m extremely passionate about this subject because, even in today, I’m still receiving projects to mix that don’t contain DI tracks with the guitars.
Not only do guitar DI tracks allow for reamping (which is essential when the tone isn’t right), it makes editing exponentially easier.
It not only makes editing easier, but much more precise.
It also allows for a lot of cool creative freedom when digging into your mix that a lot of guys don’t talk about too much.
Here me go into more detail on the 3 reasons why you should ALWAYS be capturing DI tracks when recording heavy guitars.
If you’re looking for better metal guitar tone, be sure to download my custom impulse response for FREE by clicking HERE.