Mixing And Mastering At Home – Polished Home Studio Production Pt. 3

Mixing and mastering at home can be challenging when we’re going at it alone.

We’re always hearing pro producers spouting this statement:

“It’s not the tools you’re using, it’s how you USE THE TOOLS”. 

I have to admit that this would annoy me when I’d hear pro producers say this when I was starting out.


As a matter of fact, I used to believe that most of the reason why pro recordings sounded so good was due to the great gear they were recorded and mixed with. 

Gear I didn’t own just yet..

It was much easier to believe this than to believe I simply didn’t have a clear roadmap to follow when I sat down to record and mix my music.

Because I lacked the knowledge I needed, achieving a pro-level hard rock or metal recording was an absolute BITCH for me. 

I struggled for many years on my own.

To be honest, there were multiple points where I was inches away from just giving up and paying a pro producer to record and mix my band’s music for me. 

The idea behind the statement:

“It’s not the tools you’re using, it’s how you USE THE TOOLS”. 

Apparently real results (supposedly) come from the engineer’s system and habits and NOT the gear itself.

But, Is this really true?

Well, I can tell you that it IS true 100% OF THE TIME.

But that begs the burning question: 

Why do we almost never hear of home studio recordists pumping out kick ass recordings and mixes?

It’s such a rare occurrence that most people don’t even believe it to be possible in the first place.

(*spoiler alert* It IS possible….IF you know how)

What are so many of us home studio folk missing?

In this video, I demonstrate what a song that was recorded entirely on budget gear within non-studio spaces can sound like when tracked and mixed properly.

I’ll also be showing you how simple MASTERING can be if your mix is right in the first place.

Mixing and mastering at home isn’t as hard as most people believe.

It’s amazing how much you can accomplish with very little when you have a crystal clear plan to follow when recording and mixing.

Also, be sure to download my Polished Production Checklist for FREE.

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

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