Mixing In Reaper: Submixes and Routing

Mixing in Reaper is an absolute dream.  

You can route any track anywhere.

There are no instrument tracks, Aux tracks or busses…


The way it handles submixes and routing is unique, but extremely intuitive once you get a handle on it. 

If you’re coming from a more traditional DAW (Pro Tools, Cubase, Studio One), this video might help clarify the often mystified topic of signal routing when mixing in Reaper.

Also, be sure to download my FREE guitar cab impulse response. It’s an IR of my all-time favorite Mesa cab (with V30 speakers) out of my studio.

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes

Price: $17 Free Today
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5 Steps to Better Heavy Mixes
Price: $17 Free Today

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