Hmmm..where do so many home studio owners go wrong when mixing metal guitars?
So many amp sims, modelers, IR’s and so little time…
Why commit to any one guitar tone when you can always switch it up later.. even until right before you master your song?
47 different EQ plugins in your plugins list to choose from…
Why stick with the one EQ when you can spend days auditioning 46 other ones that (maybe) sound 3% different from one another?
That guitar sound is sounding a little weak…
Why not just add a 5 and 6th guitar layer to thicken it up?
Yup, I’ve been guilty of all three of these mixing traps as a home studio owner/guitar player.
In Pt. 2 of this video series, I dive into a recent mix of mine and talk all about how I go about mixing metal guitar layers.
Also, you can join my Crisp & Clear Heavy Mix Formula for FREE.
The Crisp & Clear Heavy Mix Formula is made up of 3 parts:
- EQ and Compression Mixing Cheatsheet
- Private video tutorials
- Multitrack downloads for mixing practice