Why I LOVE Pitch Correction Software

Pitch correction software is AWESOME.  

Yes, I know….the cool thing these days is to mindlessly regurgitate the ridiculous notion that pitch correction is for cheaters and that it’s allowing non-talented people to sing on records.

It is true, you can do a whole lot of fixing with programs like Auto-Tune or Melodyne..

But that’s not what it’s about for me.   

Outside of fixing pitchy vocals, there’s a whole world of creative stuff that can be done with pitch correction programs. 

For me, pitch correction is just another powerful production tool within my production toolbox. 

I use it in a plethora of ways that have nothing to do with “fixing” things in the mix. 

People who trash talk pitch correction often overlook all of the benefits of these powerful pieces of software and are usually just buying into what the internet trolls spew out in online forums. 

Don’t listen to this nonsense.  

Food for thought:

Notice that you almost NEVER hear of real producers (who make records for a living within the real world) trash talking pitch correction.  Hhhmmmm…I wonder why?  

In my latest video, “Why I Love Pitch Correction Software”, I explain my 3 favorite ways to implement pitch correction within my productions.

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My name is Bobby Torres and I’ve been a full-time audio engineer/producer/mixer within the metal and hard rock genres for well over a decade.

I’m on a mission to put an end to all of the false information that leads aspiring producers and mixers down a never-ending path of confusion, wasted money, wasted time and very little progress.

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